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April 2023

September 2023

6 months

Developer Relations Engineer


Bangalore (Remote)

Spearheaded strategic enhancements, built numerous sample apps with fastn, and handled other engineering tasks.

Led documentation site development, conducted developer training, enhanced the fastn framework written in Rust.

Curated nationwide events, managed marketing efforts, fostered community growth, and handled client relations.


January 2023

March 2023

3 months

Product Engineer


Delhi (Remote)

Worked on a dashboard application based on a SaaS product that helps Slack communities without leaving slack.

Worked on creating sitemaps for the product, auth and password recovery feature, and frontend UI improvements.

Implemented security measures of LogRocket and introduced events module feature for hosting community events.

VuejsNuxtjsNodejsParse serverJavaScriptTailwindcssAPI DevelopmentMongoDbNginx

October 2021

November 2022

1 year

Software Engineer Intern


Bangalore (Remote)

Worked on a dashboard application based on a SaaS product to optimize and manage cloud costs for AWS and GCP.

Improved UI: docs website, AWS/GCP cost-reports tables, dashboard, website, and GCP cloud assets backend fixes.

Implemented wrapper components using Ant Design library and ChartJs, configured storybook and strapi setup.

VuejsGolangJavaScriptTailwindcssTypeScriptChartjsStorybookAnt designFigma

April 2023 -- September 2023

6 months

Developer Relations Engineer


Bangalore (Remote)

Spearheaded strategic enhancements, built numerous sample apps with fastn, and handled other engineering tasks.

Led documentation site development, conducted developer training, enhanced the fastn framework written in Rust.

Curated nationwide events, managed marketing efforts, fostered community growth, and handled client relations.


January 2023 -- March 2023

3 months

Product Engineer


Delhi (Remote)

Worked on a dashboard application based on a SaaS product that helps Slack communities without leaving slack.

Worked on creating sitemaps for the product, auth and password recovery feature, and frontend UI improvements.

Implemented security measures of LogRocket and introduced events module feature for hosting community events.

VuejsNuxtjsNodejsParse serverJavaScriptTailwindcssAPI DevelopmentMongoDbNginx

October 2021 -- November 2022

1 year

Software Engineer Intern


Bangalore (Remote)

Worked on a dashboard application based on a SaaS product to optimize and manage cloud costs for AWS and GCP.

Improved UI: docs website, AWS/GCP cost-reports tables, dashboard, website, and GCP cloud assets backend fixes.

Implemented wrapper components using Ant Design library and ChartJs, configured storybook and strapi setup.

VuejsGolangJavaScriptTailwindcssTypeScriptChartjsStorybookAnt designFigma

Ayush Soni | ©2024